Why don’t people care?

That’s the thought that is stuck inside my head this morning, for a variety of reasons.

Why don’t people care?

The professional tennis tournament that came to New Haven for two decades is leaving town because people don’t care anymore and don’t show up to support it.

I was having a chat with a coach the other day about his player’s apathy for the team and each other. How could they not care about getting better and playing for each other?

I started a website to help augment my income from my recent job change, and I’m looking for minimal financial help and support from those who use the site and appreciate it and tell me great things about it. It’s made $1 in a week.

So, tell me: Why don’t people care?

To paraphrase Phil Collins, they don’t care anymore.

Well, truth be told, they do.

About themselves.

Seriously, we live in a very selfish society, right?

From the top rung of our political leaders down the little kid who won’t share his toy in the sandbox, we are a greedy bunch.

I just realized there’s not much of a difference in that metaphor.

Did people care more when I was younger? Or is it all just a hallucination from being worn out by the daily passage of time?

Adam bit the apple. That was selfish, right?

It’s not even noon on Saturday.

I’m feeling discouraged.

But, there again, why would anybody care?

Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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