“I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that’s why he’s there.”

— Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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A lot of very stupid things have been said since 2016.

By “45” himself. By his supporters. By those who oppose him, too.

What Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the Christian Broadcasting Network earlier this week might have vaulted to the top of the list.

The more I think about it, though, maybe Sanders was just playing the good spokeswoman and was giving her targeted audience what they wanted to hear.

For example, had she been doing an interview with ESPN, I’m sure the quote would have been, “I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think he wanted the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams to play in the Super Bowl, and that’s why they’re there.”

It’s a good argument.

Controversial calls and plays dogged both conference championship games, so if the referees and/or the NFL didn’t want these two teams in the title game, then it must have been a higher entity, right?

Or, maybe, just maybe God DID want “45” to be in office.

Last time, He was pissed at us He did send 40 days and 40 nights of rain and asked that Noah fella to build an ark, right?

But people say stupid things all the time.

Myself included.

And we get to say these stupid things because we the people have the First Amendment right to do so:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

For me, that is the ultimate statement about what is good (Sorry, it isn’t great!) about the United States of America. We have that freedom first and foremost.

That’s why it’s the “first.”

Yet, we also have the right to be annoyed by other people’s right to free speech.

And I’ve been feeling that way a lot over the last two years.

Let’s bring the band Maroon 5 into the equation.

A few months back, it was announced that the band will be headlining the Super Bowl halftime show.

One of the first Tweets I saw after the announcement came from somebody I know and respect and it basically said, “Maroon 5 Sucks.”

Well, no, actually they don’t. They’ve sold more than 15 million singles. They’ve won three Grammys, three American Music Awards, and four Billboard Music awards.

If they truly sucked, none of those things would have happened.

If they really were bad, how many records would they have sold? Ten? Twelve? A hundred. How many awards would they have won? Zero.

I suck as a singer. I’m so bad I don’t even sing in the shower, for fear of the water turning ice cold out of spite.

(TIMEOUT!—Remember when Lady Gaga was named the halftime entertainer a few years back? Football fans when bat-shit crazy over that one, yet she put together one of the most memorable and iconic Super Bowl halftime shows in history … now back to the action).

I’m not a Maroon 5 fan—though I do enjoy Adam Levine on The Voice and on his appearances on The Howard Stern Show.

But why can’t people write, “I don’t like Maroon 5 and think they are a lousy choice for the Super Bowl halftime show.”

If you’re going to state your opinion, back it up with some facts.

I understand. It’s easier to type “Maroon 5 sucks” even if it’s technically not accurate.

And, we have the right to say something or somebody sucks, even if they don’t.

After all, it’s somebody’s opinion that they suck, even if it’s #fakenews.

And we’ve come full circle, back to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and “45.”

It seems as though 54 percent of the country think they both “suck”, if you believe his latest poll numbers.

I certainly have my opinion of the two of them, that’s for sure.

I don’t like either one of them. I don’t respect either one of them.

As the division between us, the chasm, keeps opening wider and wider, I think in the long run both are bad for our country.

But I think that about most politicians on both sides of the aisle.

The saying is, “It takes two to tango.”

Politically speaking, it’s takes 541 people of congress.

But this is America.

I get my opinion. You get yours.

And, come Sunday, Maroon 5 will play the halftime show.

I just wonder postgame which athlete will give God credit for helping their team win.

After all, God really wants certain people to sit in political offices and certain sports teams to win their league championships.

I’m just wondering who is building the latest ark?

Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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